Choubao Luosifen wins 2023 Consumer Innovation Award of China's Candy, Alcoholic Drinks and Food Industry

Choubao Luosifen wins 2023 Consumer Innovation Award of China's Candy, Alcoholic Drinks and Food Industry

The 2023 Food Headlines Gala was held in Shanghai on January 23, 2024. The event was hosted by the Food Headlines (Shiye Toutiao), a content platform affiliated with HuaTang Cloud Operators Marketing Communication Co., Ltd., and co-sponsored by Kantar Worldpanel. Choubao Luosifen, the leading brand of China’s river snail rice noodles, received the Annual Consumer Innovation Award.

To meet the rising demands for high-quality fast-food choices, Choubao Luosifen has consistently made strategic imporvements in product features in response to evolving consumer habits and ingredient combination. For example, its river snail rice noodles hot pot, rolled out in 2023, is an immediate success. It boasts seven meat options including braised chicken or duck feet, and cold cuts, paired with eight vegetable choices like lotus root slices, potatoes, and dreid asparagus lettuce. Such a wide and generous selection of ingredients adapts to diverse taste buds. The consumers may enjoy a delightful home dining experience without the hassle of preparation – no more washing, chopping, or seasoning. The ready-to-cook convenience proves to be a game-changer, reshuffling traditional product categories through innovative, consumer-centric solutions.

Amid the ongoing structural shifts in China's candy, alcoholic drinks and food Industry, Choubao Luosifen is ready to address market needs by offering new river snail noodle products tailored to diverse consumer preferences.

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